Children's opera project connecting children with professional artists

KIRANA is an interdisciplinary performance that has been conceived and designed to connect children with artists towards a collaborative creative process. Three professional artists from Malta travel to any country and conduct a 5-day workshop with the children from the host city. The creative output of the workshops is integrated into the performance so that the children contribute directly to the performance with their own rhythms, movements and language. 

The story of KIRANA is inspired by the creation myths of different cultures, mainly the legends from China, India, Babylon and Mesopotamia. Some of the scenes in this mythological journey are portrayed through digital animation based on artworks created by children. 

The music of KIRANA is composed for piano and percussion and performed live by professional musicians. The children complement the soundtrack with a series of music improvisations. KIRANA introduces children to a wide range of new artistic experiences: from contemporary music to percussion workshops, digital animation and light painting.

A strong outreach project leading to a performance of high artistic excellence”

— Riverside Theatres, Parramatta, Australia

This work will help our students grow, mature and open up to art. After spending a whole week participating in the Kirana project they returned to the school transformed and excited about the experience. ” - Boris Ignatovic

— Jules Ferry College de Woippy, France

Children contribute directly to the performance with their own rhythm and movements.”

— Filharmonie, Brno, Czech Republic